Postgraduate Supervision
📣 Currently hiring two postdocs: AI Systems (broadly) and AI Systems for Neuroscience in Africa.
Current Supervision

Dr Irene Nandutu
Postdoc, University of Cape Town
Since 2024

C. Sue Price
PhD, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Since 2011
Co-supervisors: Anban Pillay and Gavin Rens

Juan-Paul Hynek
PhD, University of Cape Town
Since 2022
AI Techniques in Disease Inference and Prediction: A Case of Diabetes Mellitus and Tuberculosis

Mbithe Nzomo
PhD, University of Cape Town
Since 2021
A Hybrid AI Framework for Sensor-Based Personal Health Monitoring Towards Precision Health

Morné Du Plessis
PhD, University of Cape Town
Since 2023
An AI-driven 3D digital twin for monitoring and decision support for minerals processing

Tezira Wanyana
PhD, University of Cape Town
Since 2019
A Cognitive Agent Architecture for Knowledge Discovery and Evolution in Sensor-based Systems

Alex Priscu
MSc, University of Cape Town
Since 2021
Using AutoML Optimisation Techniques to Solve the CASH Problem in Trend Prediction

Julius Stopforth
MSc, University of Cape Town
Since 2018
Towards a Robust Evaluation Method for Deep Reinforcement Learning on Continous Control Problems

Lekuba Ntoane
MSc, University of Cape Town
Since 2022
Spatial-Temporal Graph Neural Networks for Weather Prediction

Leonard Chuang
MSc, University of Cape Town
Since 2021
Evaluation of Deep Clustering Frameworks for Load Profile Analysis

Nash Chakanyuka
MSc, University of Cape Town
Since 2022
Exploring Attention Mechanisms in Spatial-Temporal Graph Neural Network

Suvana Rohanlal
MSc, University of Cape Town
Since 2024
3D digital twin of a smart home environment for Human Activity Recognition
Past Supervision
Allan Berman, Generative Adversarial Networks for Fine Art Generation
MSc Computer Science, University of Cape Town, 2020
Andrew Clarke, An Evaluation of Depth Camera-Based Hand Pose Recognition for Virtual Reality Systems
MSc Computer Science, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2018
Bongani Mabaso, Robots Are Not Ethical Like People: An Exemplarist Framework for Functional Ethics in Everyday Robots in Ordinary Contexts
PhD Philosophy, University of Pretoria, 2020
Primary supervisor: Emma Ruttkamp-Bloem
Chetna Parbhoo, An Ontology-Driven Sensor Web Application for Detecting and Classifying Informal Settlements
MSc Computer Science (Distinction), University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2009
Daniel Taylor, Using Saliency Maps to Explain Brain Aging Using Deep Learning Techniques
MSc Computer Science, University of Cape Town, 2022
Edwina Williams, Predicting Anomalous Weather Events Using Supervised Machine Learning
MPhil Information Technology, University of Cape Town, 2022
Freddie Pyon, Artificial Neural Networks to Predict Share Prices on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange
MSc Information Technology, University of Cape Town, 2021
Gavin Rens, Agent decision making and belief revision based on Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes
Postdoc, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2015 – 2016
Hendrina Harmse, Scenario Testing Using OWL
MSc Computer Science (Distinction), University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2015
Primary supervisor: Katarina Britz; Co-supervisor: Aurona Gerber
Jude Adeleke, A Semantic Sensor Web Framework for Proactive Environmental Monitoring and Control
PhD Computer Science, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2017
Co-supervisors: Gavin Rens, Aderemi Adewumi
Jules Raymond Kala, Leaf Recognition for Accurate
Plant Classification
PhD Computer Science, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2017
Primary supervisor: Serestina Viriri
Kimendree Naidoo, Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Time Series Prediction
MSc Information Technology, University of Cape Town, 2020
Kodylan Moodley, Practical Reasoning for Defeasible Description Logics
PhD Computer Science, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2016
Primary supervisor: Tommie Meyer; Co-supervisor: Uli Sattler
Kouame Kouassi, Automated Machine Learning for Predicting Trends in Time Series Data
MSc Computer Science, University of Cape Town, 2021
Lizwe Mdakane, Settlement Type Classification Using Aerial Images
MSc Computer Science, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2014
Co-supervisor: Frans van den Bergh
Maldean Pillay, Gabor Filter Parameter Optimization for Multi-textured Images: A Case Study on Water Body Extraction From Satellite Imagery
MSc Computer Science, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2012
Michael Waltham, Q-Cog: A Q-Learning Based Cognitive Agent Architecture for Complex 3D Virtual Worlds
MSc Computer Science, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2017
Co-supervisor: Anban Pillay
Mikhail Davidson, Spatial Temporal Modeling Using Graph Based Neural Networks: An Application for Weather Prediction in South Africa
MSc Computer Science, University of Cape Town, 2022
Olukunle Ogundele, An Ontology-Driven Approach for
Structuring Scientific Knowledge for Predicting Treatment Adherence
Behaviour: A Case Study of Tuberculosis in Sub-Saharan African
PhD Computer Science, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2016
Co-supervisors: Anban Pillay, Christopher Seebregts
Pascal Brandt, An Investigation of Multi-label Classification Techniques for Predicting HIV Drug Resistance in Resource-limited Settings
MSc Computer Science, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2014
Co-supervisors: Anban Pillay, Christopher Seebregts, Tulio de Oliveira
Rachel Catzel, Investigating Brain Ageing in HIV-Positive Individuals Using a Neural Network
MSc Applied Mathematics, University of Cape Town, 2024
Primary supervisor: Jonathan Shock
MPhil Information Technology (Distinction), University of Cape Town, 2020
Co-supervisor: Tommie Meyer
MSc Computer Science, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2014
Primary supervisor: Anban Pillay; Co-supervisor: Christopher Seebregts
Stefan Drue, A Comparison of a Factor-based Investment Strategy and Machine Learning for Predicting Excess Returns on the JSE
MPhil Information Technology, University of Cape Town, 2018
MSc Computer Science, University of Cape Town, 2023
Primary supervisor: Tommie Meyer
Thinasagree Mudaly, An Analysis of Approaches for Developing National Health Information Systems: A Case Study of Two Sub-Saharan African Countries
MSc Computer Science, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2016
Primary supervisor: Anban Pillay; Co-supervisor: Christopher Seebregts
Wiebke Toussaint, Evaluation of Clustering Techniques for Generating Household Energy Consumption Patterns in a Developing Country
MSc Computer Science (Distinction), University of Cape Town, 2019
Co-supervisor: Tommie Meyer
Willem Coetzer, A Knowledge–Based System for Automated Discovery of Ecological Interactions in Flower-Visiting Data
PhD Computer Science, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2017
Co-supervisor: Aurona Gerber
MSc Environmental Science, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2016
Co-supervisors: Tirusha Thambiran; Fathima Ahmed
MSc Environmental Science, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2016
Co-supervisors: Tirusha Thambiran; Fathima Ahmed